A sociable running club for Berwick-Upon-Tweed & Surrounds

Tweed Striders is a fully inclusive, supportive and sociable running club. We welcome runners of all abilities and aims – be that running for enjoyment, to get fit or to prepare for a specific race. We do ask that you are over 18 and can run 5km/3 miles without too much difficulty.
Training makes the most of our beautiful location, encompasses all aspects of running and is delivered by fully qualified and experienced coaches and leaders. Sessions are structured and progressive to meet the aims and abilities of all – from the fast to the “improvers”.
We meet Tuesday and Thursdays 6.20 pm (for a 6.30 pm start) in reception of the Berwick Sports Centre (TD15 2AS). However, this can vary for some sessions. Confirmation of venue is posted on our Facebook page and texted to members at the start of every week. Some members arrange to run at times outwith this and, from time-to-time, we organise club social events.